Adding team members

In the Streamz portal, you can add team members to your account with varying levels of access. The account owner always retains control over permissions for all other team members.

In order to do add team members, sign into the portal and click "Account" in the lower left corner. Select "Add a team member" to expand its details, and then click the green button that reads "+ Invite new member."

From the resulting window, you can choose which role to assign this team member. The options are:

  • Accountant: Includes access to accounts, payments and analytics, but not assets.

  • Administrator: Includes access to all categories.

  • Content Manager: Includes access to assets but not accounts, payments or analytics.

  • Special/Custom: Select any permissions you would like to grant manually.

Enter the team member's email and click "Invite" to send the invitation.


Accessing the distribution portal


Setting up your DSP portals